Fed Ex Shipping Times
What Does it all mean?
Priority Overnight: Will arrive the next business day before 10:30 am.
Standard Overnight: Will arrive the next business.
Fed Ex 2-Day: Will arrive the in 2 business days.
Fed Ex 3-Day: Will arrive the in 3 business days.
Fed Ex Ground / Home Delivery: Will arrive in 1-6 business days.
Business days are Monday - Friday
![safe secure professional scans delivered to your door](/images/fedex-ground-map-2.png)
Transit times for Fed Ex Ground depends on 2 factors, the location it was shipped, and the destination location. The map shows how long it will take for your package to travel from our facility to you.
Or Vice- Versa. This chart also shows how long it will take for your package to travel from your home to our facility.