Movie Film digital transfer

Storage Options

Movie Film Conversion to Digital | Color Correction

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Prep Movie Film

Movie Film Conversion Digital | Color Correction


Only 15¢ a foot!
The dyes in movie film fade over time, which leaves your movie film faded & discolored. Hold your film up to the light, if the film has a strong hue of color, your movie film has begun to discolor. Luckily we can digitally color correct your movie film once we have transferred it to digital.
Movie Film with Audio

The majority of movie film is silent, but some film may have sound. The cost to transfer & the audio will add 10¢ per foot.

Splicing Movie film with Audio

Industry standard is to splice smaller reels onto larger ones to make transferring movie film to digital more efficient. When we transfer movie film with an audio soundtrack, it takes significantly more time to set up each reel to ensure that all of the audio is captured and is synced with the video. Due to this, if you need to make a special request that we do not splice your smaller reels onto a larger reel, there will be a $2.50 per reel fee.